Quincy-Claudia Green

Hello, World!

02/24/2023 - Friday

As of today, I've completely revamped the site. The about page still needs some work, but the new projects page is a great overview of my handful of projects. As for this page, it'll serve as a blog for me to post various life updates. :)

So, what's been going on lately? I've been periodically working on video game music. I've been spending more and more time in Nashville, staying with my partner. It's been fantastic! We've been talking a lot about moving in together, and hopefully we can tour some local apartments soon.

How about Kerbal Space Program 2? It was released for early access yesterday. Unfortunately, my PC doesn't appear to be capable enough of running it smoothly. I'm hoping for performance upgrades along the way... and more features, like interesting parts. I might consider buying it in the future.

And Star Trek: Picard, season 3. Only 2 episodes in at this point! It's not blowing my mind, but it's pretty pleasant so far. A few things concern me, but I'll withhold my judgment and wait for the season to play out.

And some far more concerning news. My state of Tennessee has been passing laws that seriously jeopardize the lives of trans people. SB3/HB9 offers an excuse to prohibit trans people from existing in public, if law enforcement wants to consider them "male or female impersonators" and thus unsuitable under the guise of child safety. This is absurd. Also, SB1/HB1 prohibits health providers from administering gender-affirming care, such as puberty blockers, to minors. While we would like to continue living in Tennessee, these laws and the general direction of legislation here scare my partner and I, and we're considering moving elsewhere at some point.

That's all I have to say for now. Be safe and be well.