☆ Decoherent Solutions ☆

Pardon our dust :)

This site is undergoing renovations. In the meantime, here's some interesting resources:

File Under Foliage

Standard Model quantum numbers chart WIP

84 Swords WIP

Skills and Rarities WIP

David Bennett Piano

Technology Connections

Angela Collier

Sean Carroll

Gneiss Name

Gutsick Gibbon

Scott Manley

Cary Huang

Calorie Per Dollar List

Nutrition Per Dollar

Wage Labour and Capital

Value, Price and Profit

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

Towards a New Socialism

The Four Principles of Marxism

The Particle Adventure

The Physics Hypertextbook

Preposterous Universe

Jonathan's Space Report

Dialectics of Nature

Principal Doctrines of Epicureanism

The Manifesto of Marxism-Feminism

Transition and Abolition: Notes on Marxism and Trans Politics

The Call for Gender Abolition: From Materialist Lesbianism to Gay Communism

Abolitionism in the 21st Century: From Communization as the End of Sex, to Revolutionary Transfeminism

Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group